
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Educate Yourself: CASAA Public Service Announcement

Educate yourself, read and share. CASAA: CASAA Public Service Announcement: Note: This is the first in a series of blog posts featuring CASAA's public service announcement graphics. According to the most...

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Long time no blog! Last time I posted my 4th grand baby was born, that was a year ago, now I have another grand baby, 7 month old David. Love my grands, they are awesome, but I hope my kids are done having babies for awhile lol.

Anyway what this post is about... I quit smoking and started Vaping (smoking an ecig). I've been more than 2 weeks without an analog cigarette (tobacco) and am LOVING it! Yes I have my moments where I think I just want a cigarette, but I haven't given in to that urge because I can pick up my ecig and get most of what I crave, the action and the nicotine, all I'm not getting is that nasty cig taste. Because with ecigs I can vape whatever flavor I like! Soo if I also have a sweet tooth I can just put in a fruity or dessert flavored juice and kill 2 birds with 1 stone, so to speak.
There are a lot of options out there for ecigs and juices and I'm just learning and stumbling my way threw the vast amount of information, but I do know that this is a much healthier choice and I plan to stick with this and never go back to nasty cigarettes again. Hopefully in the end I end up a healthier me, for myself and my family.
Another benefit I also find myself drinking more water because you can become dehydrated from vaping if you don't take in enough liquids, so water is a must. 
It is also less expensive, at first it isn't, you have to get your setup and equipment right and experiment with flavors and such till you find your comfort zone. But it should end up costing me less in the long run, unless of course this excitement about it doesn't subside and I keep wanting this new gadget or that juice, haha I can totally see this becoming and addictive hobby!
So yea, as of yet I see no downsides to vaping, and the biggest upside is I am tobacco free! Hopefully my lungs will begin to thank me soon.
If you are interested in vaping and ecigs, a healthier smoking alternative there are tons of sites and information out there, just search and read. A great place to start is the E-cigarette Forum also youtube has a lot of great video's about it and reviews on different types of ecigs and juice's and vendors. 
Till next time....