
Monday, January 17, 2011

The Beginning.

Ok, here it is, my weight loss blog, to hold myself accountable for everything when it comes to my health. To start with I weigh at present 344 lbs(OMG, did I just tell that to the world?). Long story on how I got here to this point, but now its time to take control of my health and change it. I have things I want to do and enjoy that if I don't do something now, it'll never happen. Just 2 months ago I was at 360 and diagnosed with diabetes, and was put on medication. The medication has helped  me to loose almost 20lbs so far. But I want MORE off. I'm ready to change my life, my existence and start living!
So here I will post my ups, my downs, my triumphs and my failures, I might bitch, I might moan, I don't know what all will happen here. I hope this will help me most of all, and maybe somewhere along the line, help someone else if I'm lucky.
My goal? Well it isn't to be thin and beautiful thats for sure, my goal is to simply be healthier than I am now and be able to enjoy some simple things that some people take for granted. like a simple walk. Its a lot of hard work to haul around enough fat to make 3 people. So simple stuff becomes a chore. Simply breathing can be hard when trying to walk to your own mailbox. Standing for any period of time makes your back begin to ache. Yes I can't go on like this, I have grand kids I want to enjoy and run around after and take to the park. I have dogs I want to walk. I have places I want to go.
I want to go to New Orleans in April with my BFF and celebrate her birthday. Things have to change.
So here is my journey, care to walk with me?
Sometime this week I plan on checking out our local gym, that will be a hard thing for me to do. Gyms can be very embarrassing places for the very fat, getting stared at, laughed at, or just ppl looking at you with general disgust. Ya you are  no more disgusted than I am. But I WILL have the courage to do this. Give me credit for having the balls to show up.
Thats enuf for now, more tomorrow.

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