
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Where to start and Goals

Ok so where do I start. I guess I should start by making some diet changes. My doctor told me my last visit, last week, that my blood sugar was back to normal range. So I asked him if I still had to take the diabetes medication and he said "yes unless you loose 50lbs and things are looking good with your sugar" So I guess my first goal is to loose 50lbs. I don't want to say well I want to loose down to 135lbs and then get discouraged because that is taking to long. So I'll set myself up with smaller goals and then move on when I reach those.
So first goal, loose 50lbs.

So I will sometimes post new healthy things and recipes I've found that I like. I'll post a "Before" (which is a now picture) sometime this week and will post a picture of  my scale reading. So no cheating LOL the 344lb is from my doctors office scales from my last visit, so my scales might be a bit off from theirs and will probably give me a new total to loose. I will get that picture this week. And will also post any exercise logs and how I felt afterwards.

Maybe a picture of the scale reading each month to show my progress, or lack there of, and WHEN I have success reaching my goal a new NOW picture.

Any suggestions anyone has for any of this please feel free to let me know in the comments section. Any encouragement is also welcome. I can use all I can get LOL.
And if anyone is reading this... Thank you.
None of this is set in stone, this is just my ideas and we will take it one day at a time and see where it leads.
Most of the new posts will come at night I'm sure because we are a night shift family here with husband working nights.
Till I have more to add, later

1 comment:

Melissa Prell said...

Hi, Trebor!

I just saw your tweet about your blog. Congrats on your goals of losing weight and getting healthy. I need to join you on this too. My bp is a bit high and I know I would feel so much better if I ate better and got some exercise.

One thing I can't figure out. I can't seem to subscribe to your blog with RSS.
