
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Surgery Update

So I got a phone call from the cardiologist office, I am cleared for surgery. It was exciting to hear the nurse explain how great everything looked in my ultrasound, working perfectly! Then I saw the vascular surgeon and got that settled they will put in a filter to stop blood clots in my main artery. They will go up threw the groin area in my leg all the way to just above my belly button and install the filter. Kind of scary that this will be something that stays in my body permanently.

Anyway my next step is to call Dr Galloway and find out what I need to do next or what they need to schedule next. Because at this point I have 1 appt with my regular doctor on the 25th of this month and thats the last scheduled pre-op checkup with him. All 7 visits with him will be complete! They say that is the hardest part to accomplish because you have to go once a month and always in consecutive months, if you miss a calendar month you have to start over and your last appointment has to be after or on the day of the month as your first, in my case that was the 13th.... so going on the 25th is fine.

I'm getting there! It has been a LONG process since my first visit with Dr Galloway. But it will be so worth it. I know I still am supposed to be scheduled to see a psychiatrist and I think take 3 classes? Before they schedule my surgery. I'll find out when I talk to them today.


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