
Saturday, February 28, 2015

Great Day

It was a great day at the park, with my youngest 2 daughters and 3 of my grand kids, well 4 if you count the half baked one in daughter Billie's belly!

Some pics from the park.

David looking like hmm freedom to run all these kids, what should I do first?

Adlen just happy to be at the park, David still trying to decide.

Wyatt and Adlen enjoying their ice cream because of course the ice cream truck stays parked there even on a chilly day like today. David refused his ice cream, so Aunt Billie ate it.

David made a friend for a split second.

Climbing is such hard work.

Playing so hard works up a thirst.

This is what happens after a hard day at play and its to late for a nap.

So after the park we took them all to Zaxby's for a late lunch. Was a great day, but I am pooped! And I still need to go do my grocery shopping!

Till tomorrow.....

I got confused!

Ok so last night I'm sitting here thinking about doing my blog post and thought "Oh I blogged today" woke up this morning and went to my dashboard and realized I didn't!!!
Yeup I'm getting old...

Anyway had a great day after my doc appointment, actually the doc appointment went great, I got there 20 minutes before my appt time and they called me straight back to the echo room, immediately did my echo cardiagram and woot I was out of there before my appointment time ever came around! By the time it was 2 o clock I was already in I-65 headed back home LOL. Love those kind of appointments!

After that grabbed a bite to eat and got my grandbaby Adlen, ran to get coils for my ecig, dog food for nursing momma, mcdonalds for Adlen a McFlurry, then swung by daughter Amber's and picked her and the boys up. They played at my house with Adlen for a few hours, took them all home and ta da, the end of a good day!

Here are some pics of SOME of my 8 grandkids!

Ok this was yesterday's post :)
The END!

Thursday, February 26, 2015


Another day of my boring posts! Here I'll post some cute pics :)

These are the puppies at 1 week old, still no eyes yet, but oh so cute!

K till tomorrow :)

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Doc appointment today

Nothing much to tell, it was my regular weigh in appointment that I have to do every month for 6 months (actually 7 total) for my weight loss surgery. Lost 5 lbs since my last visit, bleh. It is what it is.
The rain and cold has been miserable today, guess we are lucky tho, our neighbors north of us are posting snow pictures, only pic I could post is the mud lake that is my front yard right now.


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Blogger Policy Change?

I logged into my dashboard to ponder over what to post about today since I did NOTHING today. First thing I see is a notice about policy change that blogger will no longer allow "certain" sexually explicit content, with a link to click for more info. Hmm news to me that they even allowed it at all! Now no video's or pics of nudity are allowed unless its educational. Those of us with none already on their blog will not notice any change. Who the heck uses a BLOG for porn??? Doesn't seem like an efficient way to get your porn fix to me, I could be wrong but umm ok. I'd think if you were on the net looking for porn related material there are so many sites that are available to find such why would you go looking for blogs? Why would a person who is wanting to put that kind of material on the net decide a blog was the best place to get noticed? Seems like a hard way to go about getting your freak on. Different strokes I guess, yes pun intended.

I have nothing left after that... I'm spent LOL

Monday, February 23, 2015


Another day with not much to say LOL, sorry just didn't do much today, took my daughter to the grocery store, then took her home, then came home and studied stuff online about fish and keeping fish tanks.

I think I want to get some discus fish, they come in a wide range of colors and are cool looking.

Anyway that's about it for my day I'll try to have a more thrilling day tomorrow, or think of something interesting to talk about haha ya right good luck with that...

Later gators....

Sunday, February 22, 2015

I know I'm boring

The dynamic of the weekend changed yesterday when I went and picked up my daughter Billie and her youngest child Ayden because she needed to get out of the house, but thats ok it was good and we have had a good visit and she helped me with some stuff I needed done around the house. I love how she is now, She's fun to hang out with and we can actually talk now. Her outlook on life has changed a lot over the last 6 months and I hope it continues for her sake.

I know I'm a boring blogger but whoever is reading this just has to deal, I'm in a challenge and I have to complete it :)

Anyway till tomorrow, LUV YA!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Quiet Saturday

Its just a quiet Saturday, just me and hubby. Got us a quick breakfast at Waffle House, I have a roast going in the crock pot for pulled pork sandwiches later. Have to run get buns and coleslaw fixings later. It's just gonna be a lazy day, I'll do a few loads of laundry but thats about it. Love days like today, nothing stressing or pressing that has to be done. Just the 2 of us. Think hubby is gonna go take a ride in a bit.

Yay! for lazy Saturday's!

Till tomorrow....

Friday, February 20, 2015

Typical Friday

Busy running errands all day, just got home from grocery shopping, bout to eat something and relax. Nothing else to talk about I just need to chill for a little while.
Till tomorrow...

Thursday, February 19, 2015

It's a new day.

The last few days I have felt fantastic, my COPD hasn't been as bad and I'm not gasping for air every step I take. And it gave me a new  motivation feeling so good. So today I begin my diet again. Fingers crossed and lots of praying, I would really love to loose as much as possible before my surgery is scheduled. Sooo, my biggest problem is gonna be giving up my Monster Java Mocha Loca!!! I love those, so instead of giving them up completely I'm going to allow myself 3 a week. I can't be denying myself everything I love right? But with those 3 a week I will still have to stay under calorie goal, so on the days I have one that will cut into my calorie intake of food. At least thats the plan.

Anyway, just had to do a short blog on this, maybe I'll blog more later I'm starting to enjoy this blogging thing.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


My grand daughters dog Zoey, that lives at my house just had 8 puppies!! They are adorable but for a dog her size that is a LOT of puppies! Anyway yes I know she should be fixed and she will be as soon as these puppies are old enough. Don't judge me ... I'll not explain myself here to anyone who doesn't know me, just know you don't know me or my situation or even how this came to be. But she will be fixed ASAP! But for now we have 8 wonderful little 4 legged fur baby's to enjoy and believe me I will enjoy them lol.

On another subject my BFF is doing some give away's on her knitting blog, so for those of you who knit you might want to go over there and check it out, her blog can be found at with details on how to win and what she is giving away. So head on over.....


GO ALREADY those give aways won't stay there forever!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

It's cold!

OK so I've done nothing today because it is to cold in this old house. So I've snuggled under the covers in my warm bed watching TV all day. Matter of fact its to cold to sit at my computer so I'm blogging from my bed on my phone.

So glad my warm cuddle buddy is off work today to snuggle with me.

Till tomorrow....

Monday, February 16, 2015

My Long Weekend

This is how I spent my weekend and today, with my daughter Billie and her 2 beautiful brats. We had fun tho. We ate a lot of junk, watched movies, made cookies, and played outside. Now its time to get back to the regular normal weekly grind. Oh joys cuz my weekly grind is nothing but chores, and cooking late night supper for the ole man who works nights. But he is off tomorrow for Mardi Gras.

Its funny tho, banks and schools were closed today for Presidents day, hubby had to work, banks and schools are back in business tomorrow and hubby is off for Mardi Gras LOL.

Happy Mardi Gras!


I have excused myself from yesterday's post. I think I'm allowed to do that. Yesterday was a roller coaster of a day on the ole emotions. I can't share any details because well it isn't my story to share. But on top of the train wreck of yesterday morning, my daughter Billie and I were entertaining the girls. We had Adlen and Ayden, They ate waffle house, played, ate icecream, went shopping. I think they had fun.
Another adventure with them both today since Adlen is out of school for presidents day.
Then I have to get my house back in order from this long weekend with the kiddo's. More to come later :)

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentines Day

Hope everyone had a Happy Valentines day and enjoyed someone's company and got in some cuddle time. If you didn't have a significant other, I hope you done something nice for yourself. I had a good day, spent it with grandkids, then spent time with hubby tonight.

Yesterday was pretty busy but awesome, I got my drivers license!! I haven't had a license in 20 years for one reason or another. Now I'm totally legal to drive!

After that I went and picked up my granddaughter Adlen and we watched The Boxtrolls and Frozen and ate popcorn. I enjoyed that time alone with her. She is an awesome kid.

Had her and her sister Ayden today with their mom. All in all a great weekend so far.

Now I'm off to bed, till tomorrow....

Friday, February 13, 2015

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Busy Day

Good thing I set an alarm to remind me to do this blogging thing every day! I have it set for 11 which is why you are just now getting this blog entry!

I had a pretty busy afternoon, I had a doctor's appointment with the cardiologist for clearance for my gastric bypass surgery since I have a history of high blood pressure and afib. Didn't get out of there till well after 5 pm, my blood pressure was great and my EKG looked normal, so they are scheduling me to do an ultrasound of my heart then they will clear me for surgery. That's another hoop for the insurance company down. I will be so glad when all this hoop jumping is over with! I am so sick of doctor appointments! And you know they do this to see how committed you are hoping you will give up so they don't have to cover the cost of the surgery! Whatever, I'm not giving up now, I've come this far and it will be so worth it when its done!

Anyway I have to get to bed, I have to be at the DMV at 9 am to finally get my drivers license taken care of. So ready to have that done to and be legal again! Never let your license slip thinking you will take care of it later.... lesson learned the hard way.

Till tomorrow :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Walking Dead Marathon

I just spent the last several hours catching up on "The Walking Dead". I'm going to need a few days to process all that has happened. I am now an emotional wreck! I am glad I have the DVR set to record because I don't know if I'll be ready to watch the next episode on Sunday.

After all I've seen this evening on that show, I have nothing else to talk about, so till tomorrow...

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

New Computer

So remember the other day I told you my computer crashed? I got a new laptop last night. Nothing fancy except that they keyboard glows red, just a functioning computer for me to do my daily crap on that is to difficult to do on my surface tablet.

Now onto something else, I am way behind on this season of The Walking Dead, so if things go well, I've got an entire marathon of episodes on the DVR I plan to sit and watch tonight. FUN! It's quiet here I'll be home alone, why not binge watch some TV? I'm gonna need supplies, like chips and drinks, so of course I'll be headed to the store later.

That's all folx....

Monday, February 9, 2015

Fish Tank!

OK so this is what I wanted to show you, more pics to come later as I decorate and get this like I want it. This is my 55 gallon tank set up I just bought from my niece Desire'. I've been running around for 2 days getting stuff to set this up. I had to get rocks, a pump and bubbler. I had to make 2 trips to the pet store yesterday with screaming grand babies to get the pump, got it home it wouldn't work so I had to take it back. I got it back to the pet store and dropped it as soon as I walked in to exchange it, they took it back there hooked it up and it worked, so me dropping it fixed it!!
By the time I got all that running done I was exhausted! That's why I missed yesterday's post. But the very BASIC setup is done. Now time to add fish and decorations. I got to baby Oscars floating in bags in this pic waiting to be released along with 2 parrot fish. Yes I know I shouldn't have 2 Oscars in a 55 gallon tank, but they are baby's right now so just deal with it!
I still need to get lights for the tank too. Lots of stuff I gotta add before I have the setup I want, but this is a start :)
OK till next time


Ok so I've already failed the Challenge!!!
I couldn't seem to get sat down yesterday to do this, my house was FULL. Daughter 3 and 4 were here with 3 of my grandbaby's. 1 of which was very ill, crying and wanting granny to hold him cause he didn't feel well. By the time most of them went home I fell fast asleep and just woke up. I told ya, I SUCK!
Oh well I will continue on this challenge anyway. This is yesterday's post, so today's will be later tonight... I got something to show you :)

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Computer Crash

Day one of the 365 day blog challenge and my computer just took a dump. Blogging on my surface tablet is a pain. So this will be short while I work on my computer to see if I can revive it.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Blogging Challenge

BFF asked me if I wanted to do a blog challenge, where each of us had to post to our blog at least once a day for 365 days.

Well I think she is doing it to help me get more into keeping up with my blog, because in all honesty, I SUCK! But, challenge accepted! I don't know how this will turn out, I don't know if I can find something worth y'all reading for me to talk about every day on here. I'll try. So the challenge is set to start tomorrow. Wish me luck :)

If you want to follow along with her you can find her blog here:
She is better at this blogging thing than me so you should probably go check her out :)

I think she likes this 365 day challenges because once she challenged me to the Great Blanket Project of 2012, where we were supposed to get a blanket for our queen size beds knitted in one year... we both failed miserably, but I failed first! I quit long before the project was even good and going yet. I came to the conclusion soon after that I can not call myself a knitter. I can knit but that doesn't mean I am a knitter. Knitters can knit useful items like blankets and sweaters and such I can only knit washcloths or dishcloths.

Anyway so follow along with us on this challenge, ya never know what will flow from these fingertips.

Till tomorrow...